Fighting for Workers’ Rights
Big Business spends billions in Washington to push their anti-worker agenda, outspending working families by over 15-to-1. Through political action and lobbying, Teamsters have successfully stopped many attacks on workers while promoting critical initiatives like job safety, affordable childcare, and healthcare reform.
By contributing to D.R.I.V.E., the Teamsters’ political action committee, you join a grassroots effort to support candidates and policies that protect working families.

History of D.R.I.V.E.
D.R.I.V.E. was founded in 1960 by James R. Hoffa in response to anti-labor legislation. It aimed to elect candidates friendly to labor and advocate for laws benefiting Teamster families.
Key early initiatives included women-led motorcades, voter registration drives, and political education campaigns that became a powerful voice for workers on Capitol Hill.
Impact of D.R.I.V.E.
- Educating members with voter guides and key issue updates.
- Organizing rallies, advertisements, and phone banks to build support for pro-worker policies.
- Supporting voter registration and candidates who stand with working families, regardless of party affiliation.
Teamster Women: Driving the Movement
Women like Josephine Hoffa and other Teamster auxiliaries played a pivotal role in D.R.I.V.E.’s success, organizing motorcades, rallies, and grassroots political action campaigns that changed the conversation on Capitol Hill.
These efforts earned respect from leaders and set a precedent for effective political advocacy, with initiatives like the “Great Conversation” influencing national policies.
Join the Fight
D.R.I.V.E. remains one of the strongest political action groups in the country, standing up to anti-labor legislation and promoting workers' rights. Your voluntary contributions make this possible and help ensure the voices of working families are heard.